
Why doesn't the pump absorb water?

Date of issue:[2020-08-17]     Click through rate:    

First of all, why to exhaust air, the principle of water pump suction is the rotation of the impeller to throw out the water inside the pump, and then let the water inlet pipe into a vacuum. Then under the action of atmospheric pressure, the water pressure into the pump. Therefore, if it is not filled with water, the sealing of the pump is impossible to empty the air inside the pump and form a high vacuum. That is to say, if you don't fill water, you can't suck water. You will hear a hollow sound inside the pump (the bubble burst sound produced when absorbing water under the bottom vacuum).

The reason why the water can't go up is that there is not enough vacuum inside!


1. Because it wasn't filled with water.

2. Because the vertical height of your pump and water is higher than the suction head of the pump itself.

3. The resistance of pipeline is too large (including too small pipe diameter and too many elbows).

Technology Department

Address:576 Wuding Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai


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